Children grow in faith through their participation in Liturgy as well as sharing in the life of the faith community. The Programming is designed in intergenerational, family centered, and stage of faith settings.
Teaching Masses
During designated Masses, there will be a 10-15 minute teaching on a different topic from our Catholic tradition. Everyone is invited to then gather in the parish center for an opportunity to build community with one another, discuss and briefly share on the topic, and enjoy a beverage and breakfast treat.
Formed Around the Tables - Liturgy of the Word
Beginning with those preparing for First Eucharist, children are invited to take part in a youth focused Liturgy of the Word during Mass. Like the dismissal for Kids Chapel, children will be called forward, receive a blessing, and sent to their own space to hear the readings proclaimed from the Children’s Lectionary. They will have a chance to review and reflect on the readings through trivia questions and a discussion starter question. They will create and pray their own “Prayers of the Faithful” before returning to Mass after the homily. A take home activity links what the children learn and experience back to their families.
Family Learning Events
Everything we do together as a parish community is an opportunity to form faith. Parish events such as the yard sale, Christmas Fair, Fill a Ford, Seder Supper, or Walk the Walk can be things to participate in as a family. Celebrating the different liturgical feasts of the year or being part of blessings such as “back to school/backpacks”, “getting one’s license”, “mothers or fathers day” all provide teaching moments.
Mass Helpers - each child will have the opportunity to shadow liturgical ministries during the year (twice in fall, twice in winter/spring). Alternatively, those who have received First Eucharist will have the option to train for and be an altar server on a more regular basis. Liturgical Ministry options for Mass Helpers:
Greeters/Ushers, Children’s Christmas Choir, AV ministry, Altar Server, Bring up Offertory Gifts
The fee for Faith Formation is $80 prior to September 1st. After September 1st - $100.
Once you submit your registration you will see a Pay Now button that will bring you to our online payment provider. Here you can sign into your account, create a new account or choice Quick Give for a one time Faith Formation payment.
*To register for Faith Formation you need to be a registered member of the parish and can use this link to register.