The Worship Ministry creates an irresistible environment where everyone can experience God’s love wherever they are on their spiritual journey. It is responsible for welcoming, information sharing, helping visitors find ways to connect with the parish, and fostering friendly relationships so that all feel accepted and enjoy being together. Ways to get inlvolved:
The Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass by participating in the entrance procession, presentation of the gifts, setting the altar as well as holding the prayer books. They serve during weekend liturgies, special celebrations, weddings and funerals. Servers must have received First Eucharist prior to training for this ministry.
These ministers sew the Baptismal robes for infants and stoles for older children and adults to be used for Baptism.
The Leader of Song serves the assembly by leading sacred songs, the responsorial psalm and Mass parts. Leaders must have a good singing voice and the willingness to sing in front of an assembly.
The Sacred Heart Children’s Choir learns music for the Christmas and Easter as well as the basic fundamentals of singing and performing. Children in grades 2-8 are welcome to use their musical gifts to praise God. Children's choir sings at Christmas Eve and Easter masses.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are entrusted with the special responsibility of helping the priest distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. They are also available to bring Communion to those who are homebound and in local nursing homes. Training is provided.
The greeters enthusiastically welcome everyone who comes through any of the doors. These parishioners also assist in maintaining the orderly movement and seating of the assembly before and during the liturgies. They collect the weekly offering, take attendance and select parishioners who will bring the gifts forward to the altar at the offertory.
Do you play the piano, guitar, flute, oboe, clarinet, electric guitar, bass, trumpet, drums or any instrument that will make a joyful noise? If so, consider lending your talent to the parish!
Members of this ministry strive to create a liturgical environment representing the deep respect for Christ in the Holy Eucharist as well as reflecting the feasts and celebrations in the cycle of the liturgical year. Volunteers with artistic or interior design skills are needed to create a pleasing and meaningful environment. .
These men, women and young parishioners proclaim the scriptures during Mass. They devote time and preparation to understanding the Word of God so that all may hear and be open to God transforming their lives. Readers of the Word require good reading skills. Junior readers must have received First Eucharist..
This group of men and women is responsible for the cleanliness of the sacred vessels, candles and brass, linens, and vestments. They ensure that the church remains a beautiful and appropriate environment in which the parish community can worship.
Those who would like to participate in the liturgical music ministry but can only do so on a limited basis are encouraged to join the Seasonal Choirs that sing at Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter.